Soul Eater

Soul Eater (Anime) Review

                 Soul Eater
               DVD Boxset

                51 Episodes 


The story consists of a school for miesters and and weapons, The school is named the Death Weapon Miester Acadamy, (The DWMA) The reason the DWMA was created, was to create Death weapons to stop Kishines (bad things) from ever being reborn, The students are prased when they get to the death weapon level, but to get there, they need to eat 99 kishin eggs and a witch egg, making 100 eggs in all, Kishin egg's are created when a human soul is ate!

The story gives you a break sometimes, a reason could be that they dont want the story to look unrealistic by a charicter leaving the end of one episode to already be back the next episode, during one of these episode's we get introduced to a infamous character known as Excalibar! The anime cleverly goes form serious to funny, there are hilariousness parts and some depressing parts, The anime would be a very depressing anime if the hilariousness parts never existed  but because they do it's has a happy funny tone, mixed with the sadist idea of Medusa!

The timing is almost perfect, there are some slow paced parts, but also it has faced paced parts, in one episode she learns witch hunter, but is quite bad at it, you dont see her train at all but a few episodes later she's mastered it, and in some episodes you see her use new moves and be perfect at them, Personally I feel there should have been more episodes showing the training of the moves!
but overall the pacing is well done!

Other then the kishin there are other people/creatures that get in the way, there's a spider Woman and Medusa that don't see eye to eye, but are both enemy's of the DWMA,

There are twists and turns I'd love to add to the story but I dont want to ruin the Anime for you!


When you watch the opening you see the amazing Animation, you may think, that looks amazing but I won't get close to that in the Anime, well, I'll have you know the animation in the anime is amazing!
There are different themes which match the anime well, the scenes work fluidly, and it's clear that the workers paid great detail in the animations!


The anime has some great music, that you may find yourself humming to whilst you're out, but some of the tunes are too repetitive and you may get a headache from listening to that tune!
The music fits in, at the places they use it, and improves the moments!
The Japanese voice actors fit well with the characters, but unfortunately I cant say the same for the English actors!
The Japanese actor's really suit the character's and no characters voice sounds out of place!


The Characters are amazing, each character has a realistic individual personality's!
Black star show's off, Tsubaki is calm and helpful, Maka is the smart one, Soul the cool one, Death the kid needs symmetry, Paddy and Liz, ones crazy ones the big sister!
The character's don't develop much, They're the same people at the end as they where at the start, with experience!

Each character is individual and though you don't learn much about them after the first or second date, you can still write a ton about them, and all the detail put into them, I'm sure you'll agree with my grade!


The show is just amazing to say the least
The visuals are outstanding
The story is entertaining
The audio is catchy and for the most part enjoyable
The characters, Love them all!

By Chlover!

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